www.pooletutor.com is an online base for Richard Davidson , an experienced teacher who aims to provide support and help for students in a wide range of subjects and starting points through private tuition.
I cater for all students: children, teenagers, and during the day, adults. I teach all regardless of ability. Individual programs are put together to encourage them to gain knowledge and proficiency in their chosen discipline and to meet their educational goals, whether that be to build up confidence in maths, to get to the next set in their class for English, or gain a place in a chosen school by improved reasoning tests. Sessions are taught in groups of five or six, depending on age and subject matter.
Richard Davidson

The underlying principle is to give closer attention to the needs of children than is possible in a classroom environment. Having years of experience means it is possible to grasp the needs of a pupil more quickly, thus pitch activities and input at a level which leads to challenge, yet repeated success. This then increases confidence, then motivation and desire to study further. A positive cycle is set up which propels the student to new levels of school performance, spilling over to other subjects and a core of self value so important to a satisfying life.
Services from my private tuition are compatible with most budgets since charges vary according to the number of hours chosen . Prices start from just £20 per hour for booking 3 hours a week to £22 for one hour. Try calling around other tutors and education centres and you will appreciate how competitive this is for a tutor with 32 years’ experience.
Some goals and involvement of current students and pupils
- Girls and boys, aged 5 to 16, on maths, reading and writing support
- Support and programmes for home-tutored pupils and adults aiming to improve English skills or maths for a course and promotion
- Year Five girls and boys aiming for the 11+grammar exam
- Year 7, 8 & 9 pupils improving their English, Maths and Science
- GCSE pupils aiming for 4s to 9 in Maths, English and the sciences
Why Private Tuition helps
Why Private Tuition
Why pay for education when state education is free? Your child should, by rights, receive all the nourishment and growth in a good learning environment.
Unfortunately, not all schools can deliver; nor can all teachers, try as they might, succeed in reaching deep inside a pupil and helping them to realize their potential.
Teachers are dedicated people on the whole, but a lot can be against them. Sheer numbers in a classroom combined with a vast range of abilities – even within a set – can make, accurately assessing needs and differentiating difficult. Then there is the big admin load, as well as low level , but relentless, misbehaviour and disruption that often displace learning objectives. Lessons become a battle of wills and input degrades to be focused at the lower ability range, simply to keep the peace.
More motivated pupils, often shy and mid – range, or higher ability children who are bored and coasting, often aren’t stretched and catered for.
This is not pure rhetoric and comes from observations whilst teaching in a wide range of schools and catchment areas.
Caring for children and seeing them flourish has prompted the creation of the Saturday School and After School Study Club, where groups are small (no more than five), and needs more individually identified and catered for.
A child can increase their confidence and raise levels of school performance, as well as develop study skills and discipline that can be applied across a number of subjects. Problem solving is an innate skill which can be empowering and applied in a rapidly changing world.
Book a program and you’ll soon see a big difference in your child!